Three Types of Mobile Phone Charging Kiosk

A mobile phone charging station is a small, self-service device that can be used to charge cell phones in semi or unsupervised locations, such as a mall, restaurant, and public place. The service offered can range from designing the kiosk to mass-production, shipment, and after-sales support. Here are three types of mobile phone charging kiosk available in the market. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of each.
ChargeItSpot is a free standing unit with an inbuilt 32” TV
The idea for a mobile charging station with an inbuilt TV came to the minds of the company’s founders after experiencing this technology themselves. After years of trial and error, the company has developed a system that helps retailers collect valuable marketing data. The company commissioned a white paper examining the consumer experience. The researchers observed how shoppers reacted when their stations were full. They hypothesized that having the opportunity to charge their phones while shopping would increase purchase consideration, lead to higher conversion rates and ultimately increase the total amount spent at checkout.
Hightop bar table is the most popular mobile phone charging kiosk
Earlier this decade, it was not uncommon to see Nokia 3310s plugged in and charging behind bars. But new innovations in mobile phone charging technology have changed the way people interact and behave. After all, losing a phone is expensive and can ruin an entire week. It can also result in personal photos or private messages being shared online. Moreover, if the phone is lost or stolen, it can cost hundreds of dollars, causing hours of frustration.
Veloxity charging stations are lightweight
The Veloxity mobile phone charging kiosks are designed to be light and easy to move around. They have a range of speeds that vary from 1.5 volts to 2.1 volts and can accommodate nearly 98% of the current smartphone market. Their power packs range from 1.5 volts to 2.1 volts and can gain an extra 2% battery life per minute. In addition to the University Dining Commons, Veloxity is planning to install their kiosks in McGauvran Student Center and in the University Crossing lobby.
Veloxity charging stations require no installation
Veloxity is a Boston-based company that specializes in mobile phone charging kiosks for events and businesses. The charging stations benefit high-traffic areas and boost brand and customer loyalty. The company offers customizable branding and customizable charging stations. Customers can rent or purchase a charging station to use while visiting an event. It is available at various locations throughout the U.S. and Canada. For more information, visit
Power Portal
The Power Portal mobile phone charging kiosk allows customers to charge their cellphones away from home, which eliminates the worry of losing or misplacing their phone. The kiosk has a 42-inch screen, so customers are able to easily watch their ads on it. To run the kiosk, Power Portal needed a reliable and robust platform. A flexible solution was necessary to keep up with the rapid growth of the company. Here are the reasons why Power Portal chose NoviSign to manage its advertising network.
A recent report by Krebs on Security found that some cell phone charging kiosks are inadvertently downloading data from smartphones without users’ consent. These kiosks can also install a virus if they use a USB port, since most phones are set up to transfer power and data from the same plug. However, if you’re looking for a mobile phone charging kiosk, you’ve come to the right place. Addsoft offers a mobile phone charging kiosk that allows you to charge your phone for free.